Wound Care University of New Braunfels, Texas, has announced that their Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine and Wound Care has been approved by the National Board of Diving & Hyperbaric Medical Technology. The Board established the industry criteria for the certification of technicians involved in the practice of diving and hyperbaric oxygen therapy in 1985. It is the position of the National Board of Diving & Hyperbaric Technology that all those who operate hyperbaric chambers and related delivery systems, or are required to work within hyperbaric chambers, become certified in hyperbaric technology or hyperbaric nursing.
With the approval of Wound Care University’s introductory course, attendees that complete the course and pass the course exam will be eligible for certification or recertification by NBDHMT. The pathway to sit for the Certified Hyperbaric Technician (CHT) or the Certified Hyperbaric Registered Nurse (CHRN) certification exam begins upon completing the Wound Care University course and attendees become eligible after one year of work experience in the field. “Wound Care University has been offering the Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine since 2019, during which time the course has been accredited for the training of physicians and Advanced-Practice professionals, by the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society. Achieving the NBDHMT Accreditation is a milestone for our course, which opens opportunities to expand our educational reach to all students that are seeking a career in hyperbaric medicine,” stated Sara Holtman, Director of Education, Wound Care University.
Dr. Marcus Gitterle, a faculty member and course instructor said, “I am proud of our Wound Care University team for achieving accreditation by the National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology. We have worked hard to make our introductory course in hyperbaric medicine and wound care accessible, practical, and robust, and this recognition by one of the most respected organizations in the field is a tremendous achievement. We look forward to empowering professionals to enter this exciting and rewarding career pathway.
“Achieving our goal of NBDHMT accreditation allows EMS professionals, Licensed Vocational Nurses, and Registered Nurses to pursue their career goals and obtain CHT and CHRN certification. I work closely coordinating with each attendee and look forward to helping more professionals further their education through this course,” stated Chelsea Thompson, EMT, CHT Faculty for Wound Care University.
“Becoming a CHT has been beneficial in so many ways. Learning the physics of how hyperbaric oxygen therapy works has taught me the importance of oxygen in wound healing. I have been able to advance my career and improve my work/life balance. I started with my current company eight years ago as a hyperbaric tech, after one year of employment I was encouraged to continue my education to become a CHT. I have recently been promoted to a Wound Care and Hyperbaric Program Director,” Shared Daniel Guerrero EMT, CHT, Faculty for Wound Care University.
To learn more about Wound Care University and how you might further your career in hyperbaric medicine, visit the website: https://woundcareuniversity.com/introhbo/
Or contact: Chelsea M. Thompson EMT, CHT HBO Safety Director, Faculty, Wound Care University Office: 830-643-6205 Email: chelsea.thompson@woundcentrics.com
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