by Hamza Khalid | Oct 4, 2023
Wound Care Certifications – Prep Course CWCA, CWS, CWSP, WCC, CHRN, CHT CWS – CERTIFIED WOUND SPECIALIST AMERICAN BOARD OF WOUND MANAGEMENT Eligibility: RN’s, any licensed healthcare profession with a Bachelor’s degree and above. Experience...
by Hamza Khalid | Oct 4, 2023
Introduction to Wound Care Common Lower Extremity Types Clinical Wound Assessment Pressure Injuries/Prevention and Surgical Wounds Debridement and Advanced Modalities Topical Wound Therapy
by Hamza Khalid | Sep 29, 2023
HBOT is a five-day, 40-hour live course is designed to equip health care providers with a base of knowledge in Hyperbaric Medicine and advanced wound care management. Approved by the UHMS as an Introduction to Hyperbaric Medicine, this course is taught by our...
by Hamza Khalid | Jul 28, 2023
Introduction to Wound Care Common Lower Extremity Types Clinical Wound Assessment Pressure Injuries/Prevention and Surgical Wounds Debridement and Advanced Modalities Topical Wound Therapy
by Hamza Khalid | Jul 27, 2023
Objective: Understand the epidemiology of PAD in the wound clinic and inpatient population Understand the role of Physical Exam findings in assessing for PAD Understand the limitations of non-invasive testing Which patients need referral, based on testing and...